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Braindumps for "000-399" Exam

IBM WebSphere Portal V5.1 Application Development

 Question 1.
A developer is using Rational Application Developer Portal Tools to troubleshoot a portlet application on a remote server. 

Which log file directory would be the BEST place to begin looking for reasons why the portlet application is having a problem?

A. The remote WebSphere Application Server log file directory.
B. The remote WebSphere Portal log file directory.
C. The Rational Application Developer console log file directory.
D. The Rational Application Developer runtime log file directory.

Answer: B

Question 2.
A JSP developer specifies an action URL that targets a JSR 168 portlet's doEdit() handler. 

Which of the following elements is MOST accurate?


Answer: B

Question 3.
Which of the following types of credentials allows a portlet to extract a single secret?

A. SimplePassiveCredential
B. UserPasswordPassiveCredential
C. BinaryCredential
D. JaasSubjectCredential

Answer: A

Question 4.
A common problem when accessing the data source from the test environment is that an error about naming is indicated. 

What is the MOST likely cause of the problem?

A. The database configuration did not include this datasource name.
B. No datasource has been created.
C. The datasource has insufficient client access rights to the database.
D. The datasource configured container authentication alias has insufficient access privileges.

Answer: B

Question 5.
When the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Test Environment server fails on startup on a Windows environment, which file location would be the MOST likely file to have information useful to A developer? 

Assume that all defaults were taken for product installation locations.

A. \PortalToolkit\runtime\portal_v51\log
B. \Portal51UTE\PortalServer\log
C. \runtimes\portal_v50\log\
D. \Rational\portal_v50\log

Answer: C

Question 6.
Transient application data that is specific to a user interacting with a specific portlet should be maintained in which object?

A. PortletApplicationSettings
B. PortletRequest
C. PortletSession
D. PortletData

Answer: C

Question 7.
Rational Application Developer V6.0 can be installed on all of the following Operating Systems, EXCEPT:

A. Windows 2003
B. Windows NT
C. Windows XP
D. Linux

Answer: B

Question 8.
What type of object is returned from the JNDI lookup when accessing a portlet service?

A. PortletService
B. PortletServiceProvider
C. PortletServiceHome
D. PortletServiceFactory

Answer: C

Question 9.
Which of the following would BEST be packaged as a portlet service?

A. A service to be used by many portlets in an application
B. A service to be used by multiple J2EE modules within the enterprise
C. A service of general use to many portlet applications
D. A service whose interface evolves regularly

Answer: C

Question 10.
A team of developers must improve Portal layout and navigational features. 

What tool in Rational Application Developer V6.0 should they use?

A. Portlet Designer
B. Page Designer
C. Portal Designer
D. Customization Designer

Answer: C


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