Question 1. DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET application PassGuideApp. PassGuideApp is deployed to a production server. PassGuideApp is deployed in Release configuration. The web.config connection string value must be changed to the production server’s string value in the deployment process. How can this be achieved? Answer: Explanation: Question 2. DRAG DROP There is a ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application named PassGuideApp. There is a single project area for PassGuideApp. In the Areas folder there is a subfolder PassGuide. There are files PassGuideC.cs and PassGuideD.aspx in proper subfolders. The Route of the area is registered, the route is named PassGuideRoute, and the name of the area is PassGuideArea. Outside the area there is a view PassGuideView.aspx. The PassGuideView.aspx must be linked to PassGuideD.aspx. What to do? Answer: Explanation: Question 3. DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. There is an ASP.NET AJAX page PassGuidePage. PassGuidePage has two DIV elements. Considering content refreshing, each div element must be refreshed individually (the page should not be refreshed). How can this be achieved? Answer: Explanation: Question 4 DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. There is an ASP.NET page PassGuidePage. PassGuidePage has the following div element. PassGuidePage has a jQuery $.ajax function that calls the server. An error handler must be implemented. The error handler should add error information from all page $.ajax calls to the div named ErrorInfo. How can this be achieved? Answer: Explanation: Question 5 DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. There is a Web page PassGuidePage. PassGuidePage has the following div element Hello World text. The contents of spam should be replaced with HTML. The global variable PGURL specifies the URL from which the HTML is downloaded. Which code should be used? Answer: Explanation: Question 6. DRAG DROP Exhibit: There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. There is a web service that returns a list of employees. The format of the list is displayed in the exhibit. The names and the IDs of the employees, retrieved from the web service PGPGServiceURL, are to be used to populate a drop-down menu. How can this be achieved? Answer: Explanation: Question 7. DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. Some of the pages of PassGuideWS are available for anonymous users. There is an ASP.NET page PassGuideEmployees.aspx. To get access to this page you need to be a member of the Employees group. How can this be ensured? Answer: Explanation: Question 8. DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. PassGuideApp make use of SqlMembershipProvider. PassGuideApp is tested locally. It will later be deployed in several production servers. How can you make sure that the deployed PassGuideApp will use the same production database in MS SQL Server? Answer: Explanation: Question 9. DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. There is an ASP.NET Web application PassGuideApp. Employees will authenticate to PassGuideApp through an ID. Additional Employees can register to PassGuideApp. PassGuideApp will generate new IDs based on the employee’s name. How can the registration be implemented? Answer: Explanation: Question 10. DRAG DROP There is an ASP.NET Web site PassGuideWS. You use ASP.NET Web application template to create a new application, PassGuideApp, in a new Visual Studio solution. Types in the class library project is used. The source code of this library is used often. How can you make sure that classes in PassGuideApp references the latest version of the class library types? Answer: Explanation:
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