Question 1. To develop a JAX-RPC Web Service application, a vendor-supplied development tool is used to create which of the following? A. WSDL document B. Skeleton class C. XML Schema D. SOAP messages Answer: A, B Question 2. A SOAP file cannot include which of the following? A. DTD B. Envelope C. Body D. Namespace E. Processing instructions Answer: A, E Question 3. All of the following are faultcode values defined in the SOAP 1 .1 Specification EXCEPT: A. VersionMismatch B. MustUnderstand C. Client D. Server E. Network Answer: E Question 4. Valid reasons to use a Schema rather than a DTD when defining an XML document include all of the following EXCEPT which? A. Schemas are more widely used. B. Schemas are described with XML syntax. C. Schemas are used to validate documents on content as well as data types. D. Schemas are capable of using namespaces. Answer: A Question 5. An application is designed to allow a customer to order concert tickets through a Web Service, If all other factors are identical, which scenario is LEAST likely to be appropriate for this application? A. Asynchronous Messaging B. Request/Response C. Remote Procedure Call D. Conversational Message Exchange Answer: A Question 6. Which Web Services specification is most similar to a Java interlace? A. UDDI B. SOAP C. WSDL D. ebXML Answer: C Question 7. The APIS used with JAXM applications are defined in which packages? A. javax.xml.messaging B. javax.xml.soap C. javax.xml.rpc D. javax.xmI.registry Answer: A, B Question 8. An XML document that is valid: A. complies with XML syntax rules and the constraints described in a DTD or Schema. B. complies with XML syntax rules but not the constraints described in a DTD or Schema. C. does not necessarily comply with XML syntax rules but only the constraints described in a DTD or Schema. D. does not necessarily comply with XML syntax rules or the constraints described in a DTD or Schema, but can be parsed with an HTML browser. Answer: A Question 9. Which of the following is NOT a major element used to define a service in WSDL? A. Types B. Message C. Port type D. Service F. Namespace Answer: E Question 10. Which two scenarios will always result in the init method of a servlet being invoked? A. Every time a new client accesses the servlet B. When the server automatically reloads the servlet C. When an HTTP INIT type request is made by a client D. When the servlet is put into service after loading and instantiation Answer: B, D Question 11. It four classes were instantiated in the following order, implementing the associated event listener, in what order would they be notified if the application were shut down? CustomConnectionManager implements HttpSessionListener CustomerManager implements ServletContextListener OrderManager implements HttpSessionListener ShoppingCartManager implements HttpSessionListener A. ShoppingCartManager, OrderManager, CustomerConnectionManager, CustomerManager B. ShoppingCartManager, CustomerManager, OrderManager, CustomConnectionManager C. CustomerManager, ShoppingCartManager, OrderManager, CustomConnectionManager D. CustomerManager, CustomConnectionManager, OrderManager, ShoppingCartManager Answer: A Question 12. What is the best scope in which to store an object containing display data that is to be sent from a servlet acting as a controller to a JSP page with the session disabled? A. page B. request C. session D. application/servletContext Answer: B Question 13. Which of the following is considered the best way to design a flexible API that does not require a servlet per activity? A. Embed the activity name in a hidden field. Let the servlet read the field to determine what must occur. B. Create a query string containing the activity name as a parameter. Let the servlet read the parameter to determine what must occur. C. Use a servlet mapping to make requests with the same suffix. Change the prefix to the action and let the servlet read the whole URL to determine what is required. Answer: C Question 14. Which interface should an object implement in order to be notified that it is about to be added to or removed from the session? A. HttpSessionBindingListener B. HttpsessionActivationListener C. HttpSessionAttributeListener D. EventListener Answer: A Question 15. A client has accessed a servlet via a form that uses an HTTP POST request. Which two methods could be used by the servlet to obtain information input within the form? A. Using the servlet object’s getServletlnfo method B. Using the request objects getAttribute method C. Using the request objects getParameter method D. Using the ServletConfig’s getlnitParameter method E. Using the request objects getParametervalues method F. Using the request objects getAttributeValues method Answer: C, E Question 16. A client browser has cookies turned oft and is interacting with a servlet that is using HTTP sessions for client state management. According to J2EE Patterns best practices1 which technique or technology should be used by the servlet programmer in order to maintain this client state? A. Servlet filters B. Servlet events C. URL encoding D. Use of persistent sessions E. Creation of a new session at the beginning of the service method F. Hidden fields G. Client-side certificates Answer: C Question 17. A servlet has been configured in a deployment descriptor file with servlet-specific initialization parameters. Through which interlace can a servlet access these initialization parameters? A. ServletConfig B. ServletContext C. HttpServletRequest D. HttpServletResponse Answer: A Question 18. Given the following HTML form on a Web page: If the user who is presented with this form simply clicks the Submit button without updating any fields, what URL (and associated query string) will the browser attempt to access? A. http://localhost:7001/phoneflook%Iast=Smith?first=John?phone=4567890 B. http://localhost:7001/phoneBook?text=Smith&text=John&number=4567690 C. http://localhost700l/phoneBook?Last Name=Smith&First Name=John&Phone Number=4567890 D. http:ilocalhost700l/phoneBook?last=Smith&first=John&phone=4567890 E. http://localhost700h/phoneflook (with no associated query string) Answer: D Question 19. A running Filter must call what method in order to ensure that the next filter in the filter chain is called? A. Servlet.doFilter(Request,Response) B. FilterChain.doFilter(Request,Response); C. Filter.doFilter(Request,Response); D. Servlet.doChain(Request,Response); E. Filter.doChain(Request,Response); F. FilterChain.doChain(Request,Response); Answer: B Question 20. Which three of the following may be contained in a WAR file? A. Enterprise JavaBeans B. Servlets C. JavaServer Pages D. Applets E. Client-side Java applications Answer: B, C, D
Question 1. Which of the following can help assure customers that the information they provide to you will remain private? A. Implement and post a privacy policy. B. Provide an opt-out link for all e-mail sent to customers. C. Post the company security policy. D. Create a data backup policy. Answer: A Question 2. Which of the following pieces of information will best help you determine the number of transactions your database server can accommodate? A. The number of concurrent user connections B. Maximum uptime requirements C. The number of database tables required D. Minimum installation requirements Answer: A Question 3. To perform at the maximum level of security, digital certificates must be: A. issued by a trusted third party. B. issued 30 days before the site goes live. C. verified digitally by a notary public. D. guaranteed by VeriSign. Answer: A Question 4. The purpose of a stress test is to determine: A. whether more system RAM is necessary. B. whether a more powerful CPU is necessary. C. whether a performance bottleneck is present. D. whether visitors can reach the site. Answer: C Question 5. Which of the following is the most effective option for detecting a site attack by someone who wants to modify your customer database? A. Using an intrusion detection system B. Limiting the open ports on the system C. Using antivirus software D. Implementing a firewall Answer: A Question 6. The main purpose of monitoring e-commerce Web server resources and performance (including bandwidth, uptime, downtime and network usage) is to ensure: A. visitor satisfaction. B. cost-effectiveness. C. site availability. D. increased profitability. Answer: C Question 7. A hash encryption function: A. is encrypted with a public key and decrypted with a private key. B. is not used because today's computers can easily hack it. C. is relatively easy to encrypt but difficult to decrypt. D. contains a secret key that is used to encrypt and decrypt. Answer: C Question 8. You need to enable SSL/TLS on a Web server for a virtual directory. You have just installed a signed digital certificate from a certificate authority. What is the next step you should take? A. Place a copy of the certificate in the virtual directory as a hidden file. B. Place the digital certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. C. Specify that you want to use SSL/TLS for the Web server's virtual directory. D. Specify that you want to use the certificate to sign the virtual directory. Answer: C Question 9. Which of the following site creation models would be most appropriate for a site needing customer relationship management (CRM) and personalization? A. Online instant storefront B. Mid-level offline instant storefront C. Mid-level online instant storefront D. High-level offline instant storefront Answer: D Question 10. Tomas receives multiple e-mail notices after he successfully places an online order with a book retailer. What is the customary sequence of order e-mail notices? A. Order address verified, order shipped, order charged to the credit card B. Order processed, order status confirmed, order shipped with tracking number C. Order fulfilled, order processed, order shipped with tracking number assigned D. Order shipped, order processed, order charged to the credit card Answer: B
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