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Question 1. You have just added a CD.ROM drive (/dev/hdd) to your system and have added it to yourfstab. Typically you can use which of the following commands to mount media in that drive to /mnt/cdrom? A. mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom B. mount/dev/cdrom C. mount -t cdrom /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom D. mount /mnt/cdrom E. automount /mnt/hdd /mnt/cdrom Answer: D Explanation: /mnt/cdrom or /media/cdrom is the mount point for cdrom specified in /etc/fstab. /dev/hdd /media/cdrom auto pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0 /dev/hdc /media/cdrecorder auto pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0 So we need to mount just typing mount /media/cdrom command. Question 2. With Xorg 7.0, what is the name of the default font server? A. xfserv B. xfs C. fonts D. xfstt E. fserv Answer: B Explanation: Question 3. CORRECT TEXT Which command (without options) would you use to display how much space is available on all mounted partitions? Answer: /BIN/DF Question 4. CORRECT TEXT What command with all options and/or parameter will send the signal USR1 to any executing process of program apache2? Answer: KILLALL-SUSR1APACHE2 Question 5. The command echo $! will produce what output? A. the process id of last background command B. the exit status of the last command C. the exit status of the last background command D. the process id of the current shell E. the name of the command being executed Answer: A Explanation: Question 6. You are using quota on your system. How can you see disk quota details? A. repquota B. quota. I C. quota D. quotacheck E. quota. list Answer: A Explanation: repquota prints a summary of the disk usage and quotas for the specified file systems. For each user the current number of files and amount of space (in kilobytes) is printed, along with any quotas created with edquota. Example : repquota /home à prints the summary of disk usage and other information of all users. Question 7. What is the difference between the.remove and the.purge action with the dpkg command? A. -remove removes the program, -purge also removes the config files B. -remove only removes the program, -purge only removes the config files C. -remove removes a package, -purge also removes all packages dependent on it D. -remove removes only the package file itself, -purge removes all files related to the package Answer: A Explanation: ?r or ??remove remove everything except configuration files. This may avoid having to reconfigure the package if it is reinstalled later. (Configuration files are the files listed in the debian/conffiles control file). ?P or ??purge removes everything, including configuration files. If ?a or ??pending is given instead of a package name, then all packages unpacked, but marked to be removed or purged in file /var/lib/dpkg/status , are removed or purged, respectively. Question 8 CORRECT TEXT What application can be used in place of xhost? Please enter only the name without path. Answer: Answer: XAUTH Question 9. You have read/write permission on an ordinary file foo. You have just run In foo bar. What would happen if you ran rm foo? A. foo and bar would both be removed. B. foo would be removed while bar would remain accessible. C. foo would be removed, bar would still exist but would be unusable. D. Both foo and bar would remain accessible. E. You would be asked whether bar should be removed. Answer: B Explanation: Correct Answer is B. The ln command is used to create the link. There are two types of link a. Soft link b. Hard link. a. Softlink à Can create for directory also, can span multiple pratations but available until and unless Original Files remain. Syntax for Softlink ln -s originalfile linkfile b. Hardlink à One separate Physical File, can't create for directory, can't span multiple file but remains the link file if original file removed. Syntax for Hardlink ln originalfile linkfile In Questions, created the bar hardlink of foo. That means bar is on separate physical file. The file bar is accessible after removing the foo file also. Question 10. Which of the following commands will change all CR-LF pairs in an imported text file, userlist.txt, to Linux standard LF characters and store it as newlist.txt? A. tr '\r\n' " < userlist.txt > newlist.txt B. tr -c '\n\r' " < newlist.txt > userlist.txt C. tr -d '\r' < userlist.txt > newlist.txt D. tr '\r' '\n' userlist.txt newlist.txt E. tr -s'^M' '^J' userlist.txt newlist.txt Answer: C Explanation:
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